Fuel Distribution Center construction progress update 1 - Vertical Storage Tank

My father recently purchased several tank cars for his HO scale train layout, the Siberian Express, so naturally when I saw a Fuel Distribution Center posted on Thingiverse by kabrumble , I thought it would be a good addition to his layout and maybe give him some momentum. I like many of kabrumble's designs and have printed several of them but there always seems to be one part that just doesn't slice correctly, so I thought I would share how I've tweaked, repaired, and/or upgraded each of the parts. The tools that I will be using are an Anet A8 printer, Simplify3D to slice and mostly OpenSCAD with a little bit of Blender. Blender is a very sophisticated program that I am not very good at so when I run into a problem I first have to decide if it is faster to just recreate the piece in OpenSCAD or just tweak a few planes with Blender. Usually I just use OpenSCAD. For this progress update that was all that I needed. Let's start with the vertical tank. After spending...